TranscribeMe Minis: Meet Petra M.


It's time to highlight another transcriber in our TM Mini series! Introducing Petra M.
We asked Petra to share her thoughts on her time at TranscribeMe. What we got was nothing short of flattering! Petra had such kind words to offer about her job that we decided to share everything she wrote. We hope her story inspires you. Here are the thoughts of our wonderful transcriber Petra M!
"From time to time I stop and give thanks to the Universe for such an amazing job. I started with TranscribeMe over two years ago, and it truly was and still is one awesome journey.
When people ask me what the best thing about the job is, I always tell them that with TM it really is true that what you give is what you get. Your advancement and further job opportunities will be proportional to the amount of time and studying you invest.
I started on August 7th, 2019 and passed my first exam to move up on the 25th, just less than a month later. That December, I was already a QA, not to mention my advancement in TME group and different special projects. Now, I usually work 8 to 10 hours a day, every day. But the thing is, I can take a break whenever I want and even take some days off and work more on others. I am able to organize my time so that work is always done and my private life doesn't suffer. My definition of freedom is always having time for what you want to do and enjoy in life. This job allows that.
This would not be possible without the system TranscribeMe has in place which rewards quality and effort. And boy, did I put some effort in! I remember creating handwritten scripts and studying all the documents that are available. Today I am in almost all workgroups that exist (and I have submitted hundreds of audio hours). This secured me a steady income and allowed me to turn this into a full-time job.
Since I've mentioned the ‘TM system,’ let me elaborate a little. The ‘system’ is a magical mix of high-quality TM people who are always available to answer any questions, to show support, and to provide guidance, plus extraordinary learning materials plus professionally designed and developed exams which you can climb like steps towards more challenging job opportunities and higher pay rates. What more can a person want or need?
TranscribeMe has it all, and it is only you who will create your future in it. Remember: what you give is what you get!"
Thank you so much, Petra, for the thoughtful and encouraging narrative! We appreciate everything you do at TranscribeMe!


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